Candi Jedong

Candi Jedong terletak di Desa Watonmas Jedong, Kecamatan Ngoro, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur atau berjarak 30 km ke arah timur Kota Mojokerto. Diperkirakan Candi Jedong dibangun pada abad ke 14. Yang menarik dari candi ini adalah keberadaan dua bangunan tua berbentuk gapura paduraksa. Kedua bangunan inilah yang disebut Candi Jedong. Bangunan dari abad keempat belas masehin ini terletak di lerang utara Gunung Gajah Mungkur. Gunung ini adalah salah satu puncak dari Gunung Penanggungan yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Timur.


  • Jam Operasional: Buka 24 jam setiap hari.
  • Lokasi: Jl. Candi Jedong, Jenong Kulon, Wotanmasjedong, Kec. Ngoro, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61385.
  • Harga Tiket: Rp. 3.000 per orang.


 Jedong Temple is located in Watonmas Jedong Village, Ngoro District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java or 30 km to the east of Mojokerto City. It is estimated that Jedong Temple was built in the 14th century. What is interesting about this temple is the existence of two old buildings in the form of a paduraksa gate. These two buildings are called Jedong Temple. This fourteenth century building is located in the northern lerang of Mount Gajah Mungkur. This mountain is one of the peaks of Mount Penanggungan which is located in East Java.


  • Operational hour: Open everyday 24 hours.
  • Location: Candi Jedong street, Jenong Kulon, Wotanmasjedong, Ngoro, Mojokerto, East Java 61385.
  • Ticket price: IDR 3,000 per person.

Candi Jedong di Map

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Harga tiket

Rp. 3.000

Dewasa (Weekday)

Rp. 3.000

Dewasa (Weekend)

Rp. 1.500

Anak Anak (Weekday)

Rp. 1.500

Anak Anak (Weekend)

Jam Operasional

24 jam


Jl. Candi Jedong, Jenong Kulon, Wotanmasjedong, Kec. Ngoro, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61385.


Motor, Mobil, Bus, dsb.